Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Government - Immigration thoughts

Why does Government reward bad behavior. I don't get it. We have laws, it is time to start enforcing them, not rewarding those that break them.

Case in point. Illegal Immigration - we have laws that limit the amount of legal immigration into the United States. We currently allow almost 1 million legal immigrants into our country every year, yet, almost 500,000 more come in to the country illegally. We have immigration limits for many reasons; we need to be able to keep track of who is coming to the country, make sure we are getting immigrants with the right skills, that can assimilate into our society, add to the culture, and improve the conditions for the citizens of this great country.

We don't need people to come to our country so that we can take care of them and add to our welfare system. About 49% of illegal immigrants don't have a high school equivalent education, compared to 9% of native-born citizens, and 25% of legal immigrants. We DO NEED immigrants, but we want the right immigrants, that are well educated, law abiding, hard-working and above all else want to be Americans.

If someone came here illegally, they shouldn't be rewarded. They should be kicked out of the country and be last in line to get back in. Anyone in the United State illegally has broken the law. They are "criminals". I don't understand why that is so hard for people to understand.
We need to do several things to get illegal immigration under control, and NO, giving the illegals amnesty isn't one of them.

First, control the in-flow from the borders. Build the fences, but I would also use the National Guard, Coast Guard and Army reserve to control the borders. They could train along the borders of both Mexico and Canada.

Second, quit providing services to anyone that can't prove they are in the US legally. This goes for hospitals, schools, food stamps, housing subsidies, etc.

Third, throw employers in jail if they hire illegal aliens. Add on stiff fines. Also throw government officials that provide santuary to illegals in jail.

Fourth, make every law enforcement officer responsible to enforce immigration laws. If you find someone that is here illegally, you put them in jail until they can be deported. If they don't want to leave their families they can take them with them.

Fifth, no anchor babies. If neither of your parents are here legally, you are not a citizen just because you were born here.

I realize people will say this is racist. That is a bunch of crap. I want people from all countries of the world to come to the United States. This is the greatest country in the world. But coming here comes with responsibilities. Abiding by the laws of the land is mandatory.

Instead of enforcing the laws, what does our government want to do? Give illegals a fast-track to citizenship. Reward them for breaking the law. Unbelievable. Although, our current government likes to reward breaking the law. Just look at Tim Giethner - don't pay your taxes and instead of getting put in jail, you get put in charge of the IRS. Maybe we can find an illegal alien to put in charge of homeland security.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

OUCH!! Thats my tooth.

I broke off a piece of one of my teeth eating a hard shell taco from Del Taco about 2 weeks ago, so anyway this morning I got to go to the dentist to have him crown my tooth. Let me tell you, spending an hour and a half at the dentists office at 7:30 am really sucks. I even took my ipod so I could listen to my music while the drilling was going on.

First thing when I get there, the assistant puts the topical in my mouth. I think they try to make that stuff taste good, but it doesn't work. About 5 minutes later, the dentist comes in and sticks the needle in your jaw to put half of your face to sleep. By the way, the topical doesn't work. shot from the dentist still kills, but the dentist always has to say, "Now that wasn't so bad was it". YES it was.

After my face was asleep that dentist comes in and starts drilling, by this time I am dozing to AC/DC playing on my iPOD. But, the drill was too loud, all I can hear was bzzzzzzzzzz. I couldn't hear the music.

When he is done drilling, he discovers he needs to build up the remaining tooth to have something for the cap to stick to. I was wondering how he would do this. I soon found out. He pulled out some screws and screwed them into my tooth. When he is done, he asked if it hurt. OF COURSE IT HURT, you were screwing a screw into my tooth. Of course, I said "not too bad"

After getting screwed, they needed to make a mold of my teeth. Another great experience, its like having someone stick 20 pieces of really soft already-been-chewed bubblicious gum in your mouth and telling you to bite down. The goo goes everywhere, down your throat, out your mouth, everywhere. It seems like they could use about half the goo and still get the job done. But what is worse is, while your sitting there gagging, they say "OK, now don't move, I'll be back in a few minutes while it sets". A few minutes, hell I'll be dead in a few minutes. You can only live for like 6 minutes without breathing.

Well, apparently about 5 minutes and 59 seconds later, just before you start seeing your relatives that have previously passed on. The light is there, but the relatives haven't shown up yet. The dental assistant comes in to save you. She starts pulling on the dried goo to take it out of your mouth, but the goo has dried. it is stuck to your teeth and to the newly formed partial tooth. She pulls, it feels like it is going to pull out your teeth, but it doesn't.

At this point, they left me to my music while they went to make the crown. I listened to my music. It was the highlight of my morning. After about 15-20 minutes the assistant came in and put on the crown. It went on perfectly, Except for one small thing .....

It is only a temporary crown. I have to go back in 3 weeks to have the permanent one put on.

I just love the dentist office. Really, Dr. Peacock does an excellent job. It just isn't fun having your teeth worked on.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Random Ramblings

Yeah!!! FSU beat BYU and it wasn't even close. I thought it was quite funny that the papers said FSU was just too fast for BYU. I guess they were watching a different game than I was. It looked to me like BYU was out-physicalled (is that a word, Chloe?). BYU couldn't stop a simple run play up the middle. It wasn't like FSU passed all over BYU, they didn't have to.

It was just too funny to see how deflated the whole city of Provo was. Before the game we went to eat at Costa Vida (awesome sweet pork salad), half the people in the restaurant were wearing BYU shirt, today not a BYU shirt to be found. I guess a throttling like that will bring a person back to earth.

Now we need to see if CSU is really any good, I doubt it. I think BYU wins the game this weekend handily. BYU 45 CSU 21. Sorry everyone, although I would love to see another big UPSET. GO CSU!!!

I'm having something interesting happen to me lately. I've been having dreams at night. This is odd for me. For the last several years, I don't remember having many dreams. The dreams are not anything particularly memorable like having Frankenstein chase me, or going to work without pants, or anything carnal (too bad). They are just random, weird dreams. I don't even really remember any of the details about 3 minutes after I wake up. Weird, huh.

I think it must be because I haven't been getting up so early to go work out, so when I lie in bed in the morning, my mind starts going on autodrive. Is it stranger not to have dreams, or to have them all the time?

Next, I'm going to get the honey from my bee's tonight at Charlies. Let me know if you want some, maybe I will let you have some ;) It is really good, mmm, honey!

Friday, September 18, 2009

More Weight Thoughts

First a Government Thought - Finally the government has done something right. They have voted in both the senate and the house to de-fund ACORN. Good Job, Guys, and it only took 4 damning videos and who knows how many criminal allegations and convictions against ACORN members to get our Congress to cut funding. Once again, NICE JOB! Now if you can clean up the corruption in your own legislative houses we will be on our way to a better Country.

Now for my real subject. I've been thinking about weight loss lately. I started my diet on May 28th weighing in at 230 lbs. Pretty fat, infact according to the BMI calculator on I was Obese. I didn't really think I was that fat, but these web site tools don't lie. My original goal was to lose 20 lbs, to get down to 210.

Well, I met my original goal, my wife and kids say I look a lot thinner. Heres the problem, I look in the mirror and I just don't see it. All I see is my gut. It is still there. My shirts don't feel looser, my pants don't feel looser. I haven't had to go buy new clothes. I still feel the same only now I'm hungry more often. My wife says my clothes fit differently, but they still feel the same to me.

I haven't lost many inches, my neck on June 16 was 17", now it is 16.5. My waist was 42", now 40" So I have lost a whopping 2"in my waist, and my hips were 43.5", now 43". Not much difference from my point of view. I think I lost most my weight in my upper body, chest, and neck areas, not my stomach.

Anyway, I decided since losing 20 lbs hasn't made me look or feel differently, at least to myself, that I need to lose another 20 lbs. My goal now is 190 lbs by New Years. I think I should be able to do it. So far I have been averaging about 1.2 lbs per week (which isn't that good, according to myfitnesspal, I should be losing 2 lbs per week). If I can lose 1.2 lbs for 15 weeks(time until New Years, better start getting ready for Christmas ;) I should lose 18 more lbs. I guess I better modify my goal to 195 since there are so many holidays until then, Halloween (mmm! Candy), Thanksgiving (mmm! Turkey), and Christmas (mmm!!! EVERYTHING). WOW! Maybe I should re-adjust again to being under 200 on New Years. OK that is my new goal, under 200 lbs for New Years.

Losing weight it kind of addicting, really frustrating, and just hard to do. I can understand how people can become anorexic, you lose weight and you know it, but you look in the mirror and you don't look different to yourself, so you think you need to lose more weight, so you diet more, lose more weight, look in the mirror again, still don't see the difference, so you diet more. It is a continuous circle of dieting until you have destroyed your body.

I also see how people can become bulimic, you want to lose weight. But you also see all the wonderful food out there. It is hard to go out to eat and not overeat. Portion sizes are crazy and the food is soooo good. Socially you don't want to go out with your friends to a nice restaurant and not eat. So what do you do? The easy thing - eat whatever you want, infact overeat, why not? You're just going to go puke it up anyway.

I also understand just giving up. It is hard to lose weight. Hell look at all the overweight people in the world. Overweight is the new normal. You can eat what you want and not worry about it. The problem is all the health problems related to being overweight. If only there was a pill! Maybe the government will find a way, after all it is the governments responsibility to take care of us, isn't it?

When all is said and done, I think 190 is my overall goal. According to the BMI calculator, I will still be overweight, but what the heck! I need to get down to 179 to be "HEALTHY" and that is a lot of work.

Oh, one other thing. I hope BYU loses tomorrow to FSU. GO FSU!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Conservative vs Liberals

Differences between Liberals and Conservatives.

* Liberals think with their hearts, Conservatives think with their head.
* Liberals think the all powerfull government should be responsible for everyones well being, Conservatives think the government should be limited and people should be responsible for their own well being.
* Liberals think the government can spend tax money better than the individual citizen, Conservatives think the individual citizen can spend their money better than the government.
* Liberals think the best way to help the poor is to give them money, Conservatives think the best way to help the poor is get them a job and let them help themselves.
* Liberals think the environment is more important than the economy(Cap and Trade), Conservatives think you can't save the environment if you don't have a strong economy.
* Liberals think you can provide enough energy to power the US economy using only green energy sources like solar, wind, and battery power, that all other energy sources like oil, coal, and nuclear power, are evil. Conservatives think we should use all available energy sources and keep developing new sources.
* Liberals think high energy costs won't hurt the economy, that the evironment is more important. Conservatives think without a stong economy, no one will be able to afford the high energy costs.
* Liberals think the Constitution of the United States is a document that needs to be changed to meet the needs of the government, Conservatives think the Constitution is the document that limits the needs of the government, so the citizens can meet their own needs.
* Liberals are willing to give up their individual rights for the rights of the collective, Conservatives think rights belong to the individual, not the collective.
* Liberals think it is OK to spend other peoples money, Conservatives think that is stealing.
* Liberals want what is best for everyone, and think the government knows what "that" is, Conservatives want each individual to decide what is best for them and work to get it.
* Liberals want big government, Conservatives want limited government.
* Liberals are Right Brained, ie: intuitive, subjective, and look only at wholes, Conservatives are Left Brained, ie: logical, rational, analytical, objective and look at the individual parts.
* Liberals think a few elites know what is best for everyone, Conservatives think everyone knows what is best for themselves.
* Liberals believe God shouldn't be part of our national fabric, Conservatives think God is part of our national fabric.
* Liberals believe Americans need to apologize to the rest of the world for being successful, that we are a big powerful nation that only looks out for itself, Conservatives think Americans don't need to apologize for anything, that we have done much more good for the world than any other country.
* Liberals believe if you take away our guns, there will be less crime, Conservatives believe if all law abiding citizens carried a gun, there would be fewer criminals.

I'm sure I have left off many other differences, if you think of others, please post them.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Still ticked off about ACORN

Question of the Day about Government - Why do any Community Organizing organizations or Labor Unions get federal funding? Shouldn't these groups raise their own funds through donations from their constituents. I'm sorry but the these groups will do the bidding of whoever is funding them. Personally I don't think the Federal Government should be involved. If these groups are supposed to be looking out for the welfare of their respective communities, they should be funded by those communities.

See Video at

We have already seen the corruption of ACORN. Their people have been video taped giving advice to hookers and pimps on how to game the tax system, how to use illegals aliens as dependents, how to get funding for housing for a brothel. They should NOT get another penny from the Federal Government. If ACORN gets Federal Funding why shouldn't the KKK, or the Black Panthers, or for that matter al Queda. All these groups are just "community organizations" looking out for their own constituencies.

And why isn't congress investigating ACORN, my god they have time to investigate steriod use in baseball, spend time putting together a resolution against a legislator that called the president a liar, discuss the BCS and whether it is fair to non-BCS schools (College football, for those that don't know). None of these things cost the government or the American people a nickel, but they won't investigate a "Community Organization" that will get over $8 billion of tax payers money through the wonderful "stimulus package". What a joke our government has become.

And worst yet, the Maryland state government is looking at going after the film-maker that investigated and broke the ACORN story, not ACORN, because he did a sting operation and didn't notify ACORN he was doing it. I'm sorry but it wouldn't have worked, if he told them he was recording it. Well, maybe it would have. The people in the videos seemed pretty clueless. Which is another point, the government shouldn't give money to anyone that is that stupid.

The people of the United States need to "Empty the Trash" starting with Congress. Get involved and vote out these bums.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Acorn community organizations

Todays Government Question - Why in the hell is Acorn getting any funding from the Federal Government?

I'm absolutely disgusted with the video's posted on Fox News regarding Acorn. This is one of the most corrupt organizations in the United States and our wonderful President was their lead legal council. It kind of makes a guy wonder about Mr. Obama. Acorn was telling these people how to get a tax deduction for illegals brought into the country to be prostitutes by putting them on their tax forms as dependents. How to classify their jobs as performing artists, it kind of makes you wonder about all the other performing artists out there. They aren't all prostitutes are they ;)

At least the Senate is looking at pulling funding. The Census Bureau has said they won't use them for the census. I can't believe it took something like these sting operations to show how corrupt they are. I'm sitting here right now watching Fox and some liberal idiot is saying they need to investigate, but they should not pull funding until it is investigated. Absolutely amazing!!!

Shut down Acorn NOW!!!

Another amazing thing is that the Buffalo Bills blew a 13 point lead to the New England Patriots with about 5 minutes left. 12 losses in a row.

These things make me mad.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday College Football is Here!!!

It is September, my favorite time of the year. Football season, yeah!!!

Here are my picks for todays games (at least the ones I'm interested in:

Vanderbilt at LSU - LSU by 21 - Staci's family may come over to watch. We should have a good LSU fan base here.
USC at Ohio State - USC by 17 - The Big 10 is sooo over-rated
BYU at Tulane - BYU by 24 - I hate to pick BYU, Tulane just isn't very good. Although BYU could pull an Oklahoma.
TCU at Virginia - TCU by10
Utah at San Jose State - Utah by 10 - I'm not sure about Utahs QB yet, but SJSU didn't look very good against USC last week.
Notre Dame at Michigan - I'll pick Michigan, but both teams suck in my opinion. This could be the 2 most over-rated teams in the country. If I had my way, both teams would lose.

I would pick more games, but a lot of them have already started. I only picked games with later starting times.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 911

I remember I was driving to work when I heard on the radio that a plane flew into one of the Twin Towers. It was unbelievable! My first thought was this had to be an accident, but it didn't make sense. I got to work and went to the fitness center to watch the TV coverage, when the other plane hit. I remember watching TV all day, not working hardly at all waiting for the next plane to hit. Wow, what a scary day.

Take a minute today to remember all the people that died that day, and also the brave people on that flight 93 that took down the plane that was intended for the White House or Congress. I can't imagine the fear they must have been feeling.

Be proud to be Americans, I realize our Government thinks we need to apologize for everything, but we (America) has done more for the world than any other country in the world. We may be arrogant and hurt the feelings of other countries, but our goals are good.

10 things we should be proud of.
1. We won WWII, and after winning we rebuilt Japan and Germany into economic powers. Name any other country that after winning a war, rebuilt the defeated country.
2. We are the most innovative country in the world - some of the products first developed in the USA are: Automobiles, computers, Coke, iPods, Potato Chips, etc.
3. We have the best sports - Football, Basketball, and Baseball all started in the USA. The only good sport that didn't start in the USA is Golf.
4. The best athletes are from the USA. Micheal Jordan, Tiger Woods, Johnny Unitas, Babe Ruth - you name them the are Americans. Even if they were not born here, they migrate. Why? Because the USA is the best place in the world to live. You may think Beckham is great, but he only plays soccer (not really a sport).
5. The USA provides more humanitarian aid in dollars than any other country in the world. Yet the rest of the world criticizes us for not giving more.
6. We have the best movies.
7. We are the food supplier to the world
8. We have the most advanced medicine
9. We have the best form of Government
10. We have rights that the rest of the world are jealous of.

Bottom line - We don't have anything to apologize for. BE PROUD.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Joes Cafe

Todays Govt Question - "Why does the Federal government think they need to get their fingers into every facet of our lives?" The Constitution spells our very specific areas where the federal government is appropriate. Some of the areas are Military, Interstate Commerce, Taxes and currency (money) regulation, Post offices, Dealings with Foriegn countries (treaties), immigration, and few other items. The states are responsible for everything else. No where in the constitution does it give the federal government the right to regulate Education, Healthcare, Welfare, etc.

The Federal Govt is out of control because it is assuming all sorts of responsibilities it has no business doing.

Joes Cafe
I'm off this week. So, today I went to lunch with Staci, we went to Joe's Cafe. It is a new diner situated west of the University Mall, by the Italian Place. I had Joes Ultimate Hamburger, it was awesome - 1/2 lb of hamburger, grilled onions, mushrooms, swiss cheese, jalapeno's, bacon. Mmmm. The side was potato salad. It was really good.

Staci had the Mushroom and Swiss Hamburger and chips. 1/2 lb of hamburger, swiss cheese, and mushrooms. Delicious.

The prices are good too. It was cheaper than going to Fuddruckers and I liked it better. The atmosphere is friendly, Joe, the owner, is very friendly and funny. He takes pictures of everyone that eats there and puts the pictures on his walls. He has only been open for a couple of months, but he has a lot of pictures up. He was telling some customers about his daughters and made sure everyone knew their Astrological signs. You can find out more about Joes on Chloe and Seans blog at Thursday, 3 Septembers post.

Joe wants Chloe and Maddie to make sure they send him pictures.