Sunday, August 30, 2009

When the cats away, the mice will .....

Todays Govt Gem - Stop passing hate crimes laws. They don't make any sense. Why should there be additional penalties because you commit a crime against a so-called protected group. Assault is assault, murder is murder. No one commits a crime against someone because they like them. What difference does it make if you commit a crime because you need money or because you hate a group of people. The crime is the same.

Once again our government is promoting discrimination, racism, and hate by highlighting crimes against different "protected" groups. A crime is a crime, we already have laws against them.

My wife went to Idaho to visit her sister this weekend. She went with her mother and sister, which means I am home alone. Well not actually alone, Sam and Maddie are here. And Sam brought Danni down from SLC and Maddie had Jeremy over, so I guess we had more people here than usual, only Staci is missing.

Danni had food poisoning or something and was praying to the great white porcelain idol all night. She was too sick to drive home, so she stayed over. Poor girl, Sam was trying to take care of her, but really there is nothing you can do but be sympathetic.

So what did I do while I had the weekend alone.

First, I did yardwork. Mowed the lawn, edged, trimmed the hedge. All really fun stuff.

Second, I settled in and watched the Barclays, I watched until about2:30, which put me in the mood to do what? Thats right, go hit some golf balls. So off I went. On the way to Sleepy Ridge Chloe called. She wanted to take a nap, which meant she had to get rid of Sean. Sean is too restless to sit around, so Chloe pawns him off on me when she wants to sleep. I don't mind, it gives me someone to golf with.

So, I went golfing with Sean. Once again, I was the victor. Playing with him is good for my ego ;) (Just kidding Sean). We played 9 holes. I shot a 45, Sean shot 46. I also won a side bet for a drink. It was a pretty good day on the course.

After golf, I came home, there are all sorts of things to do. I could go to a movie, go out to eat, go clubbing, have a poker party. With all these options available to me, what did I do? I sat on my bed and listened to the Snow vs Scottsdale football game. Sam isn't even playing anymore, why the hell did I do that. Man, am I a loser. (Snow won)

My list of things to do when your significant other is away.
1. Sleep
2. Play golf
3. Play video games
4. Watch Sports on TV
5. Go to a movie
6. Complete honey-d0's
7. Wait for significant other to come home

As you can see, pretty dull. Please post your list of things to do. I obviously need help for next time Staci goes away.

I guess it shows that sometimes when the cats away, the mice just want the cat to come back.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, Ahhhh!!!

Well, its Friday almost 4PM. One hour to go, then ....... the Week-End, Yeah!!!

I think I am going to start every post by putting down a quick thought about what I think we can do to fix our government. Kind of like the Sacrament Gem we used to have in Sunday school when I was a kid. Heck, maybe they still do it, I wouldn't know since I haven't been for so long.

Here goes: We need term limits for all government elected positions - from Congressman, Senator, to President. There should not be such a thing as a lifetime politician. The longer these idiots are in office, the more removed from reality they become. OK, that wasn't too bad, was it?

I know, I shouldn't call these people idiots, but that is how they have been acting lately. OK, now I'm done.

OK, Ahhh!!! Breathe. Its Friday.

I don't really have any plans for this weekend. I will go see my daughters play softball at 8PM. I can hardly believe I still go to their games. They are 23 years old for heavens sake. Staci and I go to almost every game. We really need to get a life!

It is pretty sad, but that is what I like to do. I can't believe other parents complain about having to go see their kids play sports, like they have better things to do! Maybe the reason I like to go is because my kids are so good and their kids aren't. ;) My kids are awesome!

Dang, I have to go back to work. This post is kind of lame, I think I will go get my wife some cupcakes so she will love me anyway.

Bye all.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Can't Weight

If you don't know, I have been monitoring my calorie intake for the last 90 days or so. Most people call this dieting, but I hate the word "diet". I have been using a website called to help me monitor.

When I started, I entered my weight, height, age, etc. From these numbers the site figured out my BMI (Body Mass Index), and my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). BMI is a measure of body fat based on your height and weight. BMR is a measure of how many calories your body burns in 24 hours just to exist. From these numbers they can project how many calories you can have each day to lose a specific amount of weight.

My BMI when I started was 32.1, according to the chart - "OBESE". OBESE, I can't be OBESE, I would rather be fat, Its not like I have rolls of fat, double chin, etc. I'm still in pretty good shape, I play BBall and golf. I think the BMI uses the word OBESE to motivate you. It seems to work for me.

My BMR was 1930 calories per day. I wanted to lose about 2 lbs per week. According to "sources" 2 lbs/week is a safe amount, which meant I could only have 1400 calories a day. Its been hard, but I have averaged about 1400 calories.

Heres my problem. 90 days is almost 13 weeks, I should have lost 25 lbs, but I have only lost about 15 lbs, not bad, but hell, whats the point. I feel cheated. I rechecked my BMI at my current weight (215 lbs) and I am still - "OBESE". By the way, when I get down to 214.5 lbs I will have a BMI of 29.9 and I will only be overweight. I can't weight.

I think the index must be wrong though. In order for me not to be overweight I have to get down to 179 lbs. I consider that skinny, My god, I have big bones.

I checked the weight of some pro athletes to see where they rank. Here are my results:

Name BMI Rating
Brett Farve 28.5 Overweight
LaBron James 27.5 Overweight
Shaq Oneal 31.6 Obese
Reggie Bush 27.5 Overweight
Marshawn Lynch 30.0 Obese

I guess being overweight isn't so bad after all.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Staci went golfing

Staci, my wife, went golfing with a company she works with (I would give them a shameless plug, but I'm not sure which company it was, so I won't). Anyways, she had a lot of fun. They went to Sleepy Ridge (see picture) and played the back nine and had lunch. She would like to go again (hint, hint).

Staci isn't the greatest golfer ever, but she has a lot of fun and looks good when playing. She uses a pink ball and pink tees, has white and pink golf shoes. I guess she thinks she is Paula Creamer ;)

She isn't too bad considering she only plays maybe once or twice a year. The highlight of the day was the boogie she got on the seventeenth hole (probably one of the hardest holes at Sleepy Ridge). That is one over par for those of you that don't know golf. I am so PROUD! Oh, and the French Fries at the grill were great.

My First Post

This blog will discuss my random thoughts, activities, and whatever else I decide. Basically, I will be emptying the trash in my head. Thus, the title - Empty the Trash.

I realize I probably don't have any thoughts that anyone else thinks are important, but what the heck. I'll throw 'em out at the blogosphere and see what happens.

I'm sure a lot of my rantings will have to do with politics. I am pretty conservative, if you don't like my politics that is ok, just remember, this is my blog and I am always right ;) But I still like to hear other points of view. If you think I'm full of crap, let me know, just back up your position with facts. You may even get me to change my mind, but probably not.

My Mother-in-Law and I argue about politics all the time. Shes a raving liberal, but I love her anyway, I think she loves me too! We do agree on one thing, her daughter - my wife, Staci is the greatest.

I will also blog about my family, stupid diet, health, sports, etc. I hope this blog will be interesting, serious -sometimes and humorous - other times. It may just make you fall asleep or say "DOH".

Remember, I have never blogged before, so if I make stupid mistakes, screw up pictures, etc. Forgive me.