Question of the Day about Government - Why do any Community Organizing organizations or Labor Unions get federal funding? Shouldn't these groups raise their own funds through donations from their constituents. I'm sorry but the these groups will do the bidding of whoever is funding them. Personally I don't think the Federal Government should be involved. If these groups are supposed to be looking out for the welfare of their respective communities, they should be funded by those communities.
See Video at
We have already seen the corruption of ACORN. Their people have been video taped giving advice to hookers and pimps on how to game the tax system, how to use illegals aliens as dependents, how to get funding for housing for a brothel. They should NOT get another penny from the Federal Government. If ACORN gets Federal Funding why shouldn't the KKK, or the Black Panthers, or for that matter al Queda. All these groups are just "community organizations" looking out for their own constituencies.
And why isn't congress investigating ACORN, my god they have time to investigate steriod use in baseball, spend time putting together a resolution against a legislator that called the president a liar, discuss the BCS and whether it is fair to non-BCS schools (College football, for those that don't know). None of these things cost the government or the American people a nickel, but they won't investigate a "Community Organization" that will get over $8 billion of tax payers money through the wonderful "stimulus package". What a joke our government has become.
And worst yet, the Maryland state government is looking at going after the film-maker that investigated and broke the ACORN story, not ACORN, because he did a sting operation and didn't notify ACORN he was doing it. I'm sorry but it wouldn't have worked, if he told them he was recording it. Well, maybe it would have. The people in the videos seemed pretty clueless. Which is another point, the government shouldn't give money to anyone that is that stupid.
The people of the United States need to "Empty the Trash" starting with Congress. Get involved and vote out these bums.
to my almost one year old
11 years ago
Yes, the BCS is lame but if you are in the SEC it's a-ok. Or whatever. That other stuff you said sounded smart though.