Differences between Liberals and Conservatives.
* Liberals think with their hearts, Conservatives think with their head.
* Liberals think the all powerfull government should be responsible for everyones well being, Conservatives think the government should be limited and people should be responsible for their own well being.
* Liberals think the government can spend tax money better than the individual citizen, Conservatives think the individual citizen can spend their money better than the government.
* Liberals think the best way to help the poor is to give them money, Conservatives think the best way to help the poor is get them a job and let them help themselves.
* Liberals think the environment is more important than the economy(Cap and Trade), Conservatives think you can't save the environment if you don't have a strong economy.
* Liberals think you can provide enough energy to power the US economy using only green energy sources like solar, wind, and battery power, that all other energy sources like oil, coal, and nuclear power, are evil. Conservatives think we should use all available energy sources and keep developing new sources.
* Liberals think high energy costs won't hurt the economy, that the evironment is more important. Conservatives think without a stong economy, no one will be able to afford the high energy costs.
* Liberals think the Constitution of the United States is a document that needs to be changed to meet the needs of the government, Conservatives think the Constitution is the document that limits the needs of the government, so the citizens can meet their own needs.
* Liberals are willing to give up their individual rights for the rights of the collective, Conservatives think rights belong to the individual, not the collective.
* Liberals think it is OK to spend other peoples money, Conservatives think that is stealing.
* Liberals want what is best for everyone, and think the government knows what "that" is, Conservatives want each individual to decide what is best for them and work to get it.
* Liberals want big government, Conservatives want limited government.
* Liberals are Right Brained, ie: intuitive, subjective, and look only at wholes, Conservatives are Left Brained, ie: logical, rational, analytical, objective and look at the individual parts.
* Liberals think a few elites know what is best for everyone, Conservatives think everyone knows what is best for themselves.
* Liberals believe God shouldn't be part of our national fabric, Conservatives think God is part of our national fabric.
* Liberals believe Americans need to apologize to the rest of the world for being successful, that we are a big powerful nation that only looks out for itself, Conservatives think Americans don't need to apologize for anything, that we have done much more good for the world than any other country.
* Liberals believe if you take away our guns, there will be less crime, Conservatives believe if all law abiding citizens carried a gun, there would be fewer criminals.
I'm sure I have left off many other differences, if you think of others, please post them.
to my almost one year old
11 years ago
This all splits my brain in two and makes me more scared. There appears to be no meeting of the minds. I wish people would stop fighting and work for the same greater good instead of trying to prove who's right. So sad.