Why does Government reward bad behavior. I don't get it. We have laws, it is time to start enforcing them, not rewarding those that break them.

Case in point. Illegal Immigration - we have laws that limit the amount of legal immigration into the United States. We currently allow almost 1 million legal immigrants into our country every year, yet, almost 500,000 more come in to the country illegally. We have immigration limits for many reasons; we need to be able to keep track of who is coming to the country, make sure we are getting immigrants with the right skills, that can assimilate into our society, add to the culture, and improve the conditions for the citizens of this great country.

We don't need people to come to our country so that we can take care of them and add to our welfare system. About 49% of illegal immigrants don't have a high school equivalent education, compared to 9% of native-born citizens, and 25% of legal immigrants. We DO NEED immigrants, but we want the right immigrants, that are well educated, law abiding, hard-working and above all else want to be Americans.
If someone came here illegally, they shouldn't be rewarded. They should be kicked out of the country and be last in line to get back in. Anyone in the United State illegally has broken the law. They are "criminals". I don't understand why that is so hard for people to understand.
We need to do several things to get illegal immigration under control, and NO, giving the illegals amnesty isn't one of them.
First, control the in-flow from the borders. Build the fences, but I would also use the National Guard, Coast Guard and Army reserve to control the borders. They could train along the borders of both Mexico and Canada.
Second, quit providing services to anyone that can't prove they are in the US legally. This goes for hospitals, schools, food stamps, housing subsidies, etc.
Third, throw employers in jail if they hire illegal aliens. Add on stiff fines. Also throw government officials that provide santuary to illegals in jail.
Fourth, make every law enforcement officer responsible to enforce immigration laws. If you find someone that is here illegally, you put them in jail until they can be deported. If they don't want to leave their families they can take them with them.
Fifth, no anchor babies. If neither of your parents are here legally, you are not a citizen just because you were born here.
I realize people will say this is racist. That is a bunch of crap. I want people from all countries of the world to come to the United States. This is the greatest country in the world. But coming here comes with responsibilities. Abiding by the laws of the land is mandatory.

Instead of enforcing the laws, what does our government want to do? Give illegals a fast-track to citizenship. Reward them for breaking the law. Unbelievable. Although, our current government likes to reward breaking the law. Just look at Tim Giethner - don't pay your taxes and instead of getting put in jail, you get put in charge of the IRS. Maybe we can find an illegal alien to put in charge of homeland security.
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