Well, its Friday almost 4PM. One hour to go, then ....... the Week-End, Yeah!!!
I think I am going to start every post by putting down a quick thought about what I think we can do to fix our government. Kind of like the Sacrament Gem we used to have in Sunday school when I was a kid. Heck, maybe they still do it, I wouldn't know since I haven't been for so long.
Here goes: We need term limits for all government elected positions - from Congressman, Senator, to President. There should not be such a thing as a lifetime politician. The longer these idiots are in office, the more removed from reality they become. OK, that wasn't too bad, was it?
I know, I shouldn't call these people idiots, but that is how they have been acting lately. OK, now I'm done.
OK, Ahhh!!! Breathe. Its Friday.
I don't really have any plans for this weekend. I will go see my daughters play softball at 8PM. I can hardly believe I still go to their games. They are 23 years old for heavens sake. Staci and I go to almost every game. We really need to get a life!
It is pretty sad, but that is what I like to do. I can't believe other parents complain about having to go see their kids play sports, like they have better things to do! Maybe the reason I like to go is because my kids are so good and their kids aren't. ;) My kids are awesome!
Dang, I have to go back to work. This post is kind of lame, I think I will go get my wife some cupcakes so she will love me anyway.
Bye all.
to my almost one year old
11 years ago
dad, you're the cutest :)