Todays Govt Gem - Stop passing hate crimes laws. They don't make any sense. Why should there be additional penalties because you commit a crime against a so-called protected group. Assault is assault, murder is murder. No one commits a crime against someone because they like them. What difference does it make if you commit a crime because you need money or because you hate a group of people. The crime is the same.
Once again our government is promoting discrimination, racism, and hate by highlighting crimes against different "protected" groups. A crime is a crime, we already have laws against them.
My wife went to Idaho to visit her sister this weekend. She went with her mother and sister, which means I am home alone. Well not actually alone, Sam and Maddie are here. And Sam brought Danni down from SLC and Maddie had Jeremy over, so I guess we had more people here than usual, only Staci is missing.
Danni had food poisoning or something and was praying to the great white porcelain idol all night. She was too sick to drive home, so she stayed over. Poor girl, Sam was trying to take care of her, but really there is nothing you can do but be sympathetic.
So what did I do while I had the weekend alone.
First, I did yardwork. Mowed the lawn, edged, trimmed the hedge. All really fun stuff.
Second, I settled in and watched the Barclays, I watched until about2:30, which put me in the mood to do what? Thats right, go hit some golf balls. So off I went. On the way to Sleepy Ridge Chloe called. She wanted to take a nap, which meant she had to get rid of Sean. Sean is too restless to sit around, so Chloe pawns him off on me when she wants to sleep. I don't mind, it gives me someone to golf with.
So, I went golfing with Sean. Once again, I was the victor. Playing with him is good for my ego ;) (Just kidding Sean). We played 9 holes. I shot a 45, Sean shot 46. I also won a side bet for a drink. It was a pretty good day on the course.
After golf, I came home, there are all sorts of things to do. I could go to a movie, go out to eat, go clubbing, have a poker party. With all these options available to me, what did I do? I sat on my bed and listened to the Snow vs Scottsdale football game. Sam isn't even playing anymore, why the hell did I do that. Man, am I a loser. (Snow won)
My list of things to do when your significant other is away.
1. Sleep
2. Play golf
3. Play video games
4. Watch Sports on TV
5. Go to a movie
6. Complete honey-d0's
7. Wait for significant other to come home
As you can see, pretty dull. Please post your list of things to do. I obviously need help for next time Staci goes away.
I guess it shows that sometimes when the cats away, the mice just want the cat to come back.
to my almost one year old
11 years ago