Yesterday I had another surgery, this one to help me talk. It is really strange, I didn't think I talked very much anyway, so I thought it would be easy. But IT ISN'T.
The surgery went well, I think. First thing they do is make you suck down as much Oxygen as you can, to get it into your lungs, then they put you out and stop you from breathing for 5 minutes. Now I can say I have held my breath for 5 minutes and lived.
During this 5 minutes, they go down your throat with instruments, and shoot up your paralyzed vocal cord with collagen to make it big enough to cover half of your throat, they call it the mid-line. This allows the vocal cord that isn't paralyzed to vibrate off of it and allow you to speak. I wonder how the heck they decided this would help and who they tested it on. I wouldn't want to be that Guinea Pig. Then they have to test it to make sure it was done right. They had to do all this in 5 minutes, or I could have died. That may be a little overstated, but still.
After the operation, I had a sore throat and a little bit of a headache, probably from lack of oxygen (my opinion, not the doctors). But I feel pretty good otherwise.
Anyways, (my wife hates that term) the hard part is that you can't communicate. I didn't think I talked much, but I guess I do. Staci asked if I want to to get a coke. Easy response right. NOT. It is the small things like, what do you want to watch on TV, to eat, to do. Do you feel ok, what do you think about this or that. The simple little things that make your life simple. Hell, I started carrying around a piece of paper and pen, so I could answer questions, but it doesn't work in a car, if I'm driving I can't write, If I'm the passenger, I don't want to make the driver read. See it SUX, and can be dangerous.
I didn't go to work today because I didn't want to be tempted to talk. I had a meeting I had to call in to. Thankfully, we have instant messaging, so I could have some input to the meeting. But it was difficult.
I hopefully will be able to talk a little tomorrow, and I will be back at work. Thats all for now, I will talk to you later. ;)
to my almost one year old
11 years ago